Sunday, February 10, 2008

Alicia Keys and Frank Sinatra
Daft Punk with Ye... Soon as I seen that pyramid I knew.
TINA IS KILLING IT! Rocking some American Apparel style spandex for reals.
Art Brut in a commercial!??!?!
Beatles Love tribute.
The skirt of Aretha's backup singer in blue.
OMG! Everything about Alicia Keys! The fit, the hair, and her and John Mayer.
Vince Gill.
AMY WINEHOUSE! Finally. Damn, she sure acts like she is on coke even when she isn't. Her voice...She hits it then misses it.

Rhianna ruining the bit she was a part of.
Miley Cyrus being way too tan.
No live telecast of Amy accepting her award.
Continuing to plug amy winehouses performance that is "a few minutes away" like 40 minutes ago.
Kanyes acceptence speech. the whole attitude cocky shit is getting tired bb. You want respect? Respect the fact that they just gave you something when Common should have won.
Art Brut in a commercial?!??!??!?
John Mayers head looking super big. aha

More as the night progresses.

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